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it定语从句例句 怎样用英文介绍自己的家人



1.It is the third time that Peter has been brought up before the court for drunken driving.这是彼得第三次因酒醉驾车而被传讯。

2.It is the time that they are confused which role to take in society.在这个时期内,他们所扮演的社会角色使他们感到困惑迷茫。

3.It is the time that suggestions fade.这是建议枯竭的时代。


Introducing My Family
My family is a blend of love, support, and diverse personalities. At the helm is my father, a man of strong convictions and unwavering work ethic. He instilled in me the importance of hard work and perseverance. My mother, on the other hand, is the heart of our home. Her kindness, patience, and nurturing spirit have shaped me into the person I am today.
I also have a younger sister who is full of energy and creativity. She brings joy and laughter to our home with her antics and her love for art. She is my best friend and someone I look up to.
Together, we form a unit that supports and loves each other unconditionally. Our family dynamic is one that I cherish deeply, as it has been a constant source of strength and comfort in my life. I am grateful for the love and support that my family provides, and I strive every day to make them proud.

it定语从句例句 怎样用英文介绍自己的家人





it定语从句例句 怎样用英文介绍自己的家人
