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reasons是什么意思 英语词类辨析significance和meaning的区别,原因最好有字典依据,而不是自己


reasons是什么意思 英语词类辨析significance和meaning的区别,原因最好有字典依据,而不是自己


reason 英[ˈri:zn] 美[ˈrizən] n. 原因; 理由; 理性; 理智; vt. 推理,思考; 争辩; 辩论; 向…解释; [其他] 第三人称单数:reasons 复数:reasons 现在分词:reasoning过去式:reasoned 过去分词:reasoned


significance: the importance of sth, especially when this has an effect on what happens in the

future: a decision of major political significance 指的是某个事件对未来的影响

meaning:the thing or idea that a sound, word, sign, etc. represents某个概念的意思

the real importance of a feeling or experience:某种感情或经历的真正重要性 如例句: With Anna he

reasons是什么意思 英语词类辨析significance和meaning的区别,原因最好有字典依据,而不是自己

learned the meaning of love.


一、because of意为“因为,由于”,普通用语,比其他短语更口语化;构成的短语在句子中通常作状语,一般不作表语用;若引导表语,主语通常应为代词。后面可接名词、代词、分词或what引导的名词性从句等。

  Sampras is likely to miss the US Open because of his back injury.桑普拉斯因为背部有伤可能缺席美国公开赛。(置于句后作状语)

  Because of my bad leg ,I couldn’t walk so fast as the others.由于我的腿坏了,我不能像其他人走得那么快。(置于句首做状语,但用逗号与其他部分分开)

  Because of his wife’s being there, I said nothing about it.因为他妻子在场,我对此事只字未提。(接-ing分词短语)

reasons是什么意思 英语词类辨析significance和meaning的区别,原因最好有字典依据,而不是自己


The other reason that panda is less now is because people always cutting the woods.Therefore,the place that panda an live decrease.


Why是问为什么,是一种原因,引导特殊疑问句。而how 表示如何,怎样,是一种方式,手段。例如Why did he said that just now?他刚才为什么那么说? How did he find the lost dog? 他是怎么找到丢失的狗的? 注意,why not +原形?意为"为什么不..." 表示建议。why +原形表示责备,指"为什么...?"。

how可以有how many, how much的结构。
