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helpout help out with与help with区别


help out with与help with区别

区别就是两者都是动词help +介词短语,只不过help out with多了个副词out,但意思是差不多的,具体的不同如下

help out with中文意思是帮助解决,帮忙做……

helpout help out with与help with区别

hey promised to help out with the preparation.他们都保证帮我做准备工作。

help with中文意思是帮忙某人做……!

She became uncooperative: unwilling to do her homework or help with any household chores.她变得不合作起来:不愿做作业或是帮助分担家务。

help和help out的用法及区别有哪些

help 意思是 帮助,帮忙。

比如:Can l help you?


help out 意思是 帮助…解决难题,帮助…摆脱困境。

比如: Can you help me straighten it out?


help out 主要用在某人处在困境时,帮助他摆脱困境 We often go to help the farmers out during harvest time.

总的来说两者区别不大,意思也基本一样。help可以做动词和名词,help out只是个动词词组。具体如下:

1,help可以组成help sb with sth或者help sb to do sth(to可以省略)。例句Let me help you with the bags。

2,help out可以单独用,也可以接宾语sb,还可以组成help out sb with sth的结构。例句看下图


helpout help out with与help with区别

help out的用法及短语

help out帮助某人解决困难,帮某人摆脱困境

The old man helped the boy out.

也可以构成help out sb. with sth


The lawer helped out the woman with her trouble

1.He's always willing to help out.他总是急人之难。

2.Regulars at his local pub have set up a fund to help out.经常光顾他的酒吧的人伸出援手成立了一个基金会。

3.He thought you'd been brought in from Toronto to help out the local police.他认为你是从多伦多调过来协助当地警方工作的。


Help out with和help with的区别在于,help out with更强调积极参与,而help with则更多的是提供帮助或支持。例如:

John helped out with the organizing of the event.John helped with the organizing of the event.
