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感冒了!如何用英语去安慰人家 生病英语


感冒了!如何用英语去安慰人家 生病英语


You will be all right soon 你很快就会好的Get a good rest 好好休息一下Do get plenty of rest 好好休息一下I hope you'll be better soon 祝你早日康复Take good care of yourself 你要好好照顾好自己


ave a headache头疼

have a toothache牙疼

have an earache耳朵疼

have a backache背疼

have a cold感冒

have flu流感

have measles麻疹

have mumps腮腺炎

urticaria,hives 荨麻疹

whooping cough 百日咳

yellow fever 黄热

diabetes 糖尿病

He feels headache,nausea and vomiting.(他觉得头痛、恶心和想吐.)

He is under the weather.(他不舒服,生病了.)

He began to feel unusually tired.(他感到反常的疲倦.)

感冒了!如何用英语去安慰人家 生病英语

He feels light-headed.(他觉得头晕.)

She has been shut-in for a few days.(她生病在家几天了.)

Her head is pounding.(她头痛.)

He has pain in his teeth or jaw.(他的牙齿和下巴疼痛.)

He has some problems with his teeth.(他牙齿有问题.)

The tooth hurts only when he bites down on it.(他咬东西时,牙齿就痛.)

His gums are red and swollen.(他的牙床红肿.)

His tongue is red and sore all over.(他的舌头到处红和痛.)


我生病了”的英语翻译是:I am ill I am sick I fall ill。 我生病了英语例句:

1、I was very sick yesterday.

2、I had a stomachache and a headache.

3、I had a fever and a toothache


i‘am sorry to hear that.Wish you a speedy recovery. I wish you recover soon.希望你尽快康复 Take pills on time.按时服药 You have to follow the doctor's instructions.你要遵循医生指示


He got sick yesterday, didnt go to school. 一般英语里面 生病是 get sick, 很少用ill。 ill一般是指比较严重的病, sick指轻微的头疼脑热,感冒类的。如果要用because句型的话, 这样讲:He didnt go to school yesterday because of got sick.其实这个句子就应该是果在前因在后,按英语表达习惯的话。
