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初中英文作文 英语作文初中校园生活中一件难忘的事80词



In my memory, there are many things will flow with time and gradually lost. However, in the autumn wind is blowing in the morning but I was impressed the hit. Dad! Is you let me feel the love brings warm breath and happiness.


I sincerely hope that all of you will be devoted to your study,otherwise,you will find youself in a situation where you have to ask a stranger for help online when your teacher ask you to write some lines to your younger schoolmates


Cherry is a plant, Rosaceae, deciduous trees, flowers and leaves in March with the release or leaves after flowering. Are also the cherry as the name of the album.

初中英文作文 英语作文初中校园生活中一件难忘的事80词

Bark purple-brown, smooth and shiny, with horizontal stripes. Flowers and Leaves alternate, elliptic or obovate elliptic, margin Mount teeth, apex acute, while glands, surface dark green, shiny, slightly back light.

Stipules lanceolate linear, jagged edge fine crack, crack terminal gland.

Spend each 35, as umbrella inflorescence, sepals at the Standard, petal apex notch, white, red. Flowers and leaves in March with the release or the first flower after the leaves.

初中英文作文 英语作文初中校园生活中一件难忘的事80词

The nuclear sphere, first red, then become purple-brown, mature in July. Japan's national flower.


Recently, I am crazy about the book "outlaws of the marsh".

  As long as I have a free time to take "Water Margin" to see, when going to the toilet, eating time also want to take the sound to listen to the story of water margin. Because the heroic deeds of the heroes in Liangshanpo are really amazing to me.

初中英文作文 英语作文初中校园生活中一件难忘的事80词

  In order to save Song Jiang, they robbed the law hall in Jiangzhou. They fought Gaotang state in order to save firewood. They also fought Qingzhou and Huashan. Left countless heroic deeds.
